Started a frenzy of fish feeding with some of the biggest yellow-eye mullet we’d seen ina long while... along with salmon trout, bream and other bits and pieces. What was meant to be a short backup session turned into a memorable afternoon’s fun! The fish love it!... Has our vote of confidence.
Just had a nice trip away, garfish went nuts using the oil, we cleaned up. Quite impressive we had them swimming around our legs using the oil they were quite keen on it!
We had great results over the 2 days we bagged out on whiting on both boats on day one but also caught Travally sweep salmon and Squid which were our target species. Day 2 was a dodge tide so not best conditions for fishing, but we did get whiting and more squid on that day. We did a test and between 2 boats over same reef structure one used the oil the other didn't and both had their own berley stream and the boat using the oil in the berley and bait did get more fish in far shorter time. Great weekend lots of fish and we all say Thank you!
We caught 50 carp with your oil in 1.5 days of fishing.
Intended spending the afternoon fishing in my boat, within 30 minutes I had my bag limits lol, it took longer to make up the berley” – Tassie Salmon Fish Oil is awesome!!
This little oil is liquid gold! Since changing from tuna oil I’ve been catching more and I use it for everything now, hooks, reels, sinkers & my boat trailer.
I’ve used many fish oil additives in my burley mixes over the years and this one is the best by far. Irrespective of tide movement or bite times it stimulates the fish into a feeding frenzy and provides a superior catch in record time, every time. Can’t recommend these products enough - I’m truly impressed!